Additional Services

Additional ServicesSummit, NJ

Preventative Care

At Summit Dentist, we practice dentistry for the whole family. From preventive education and regular hygiene to identifying and caring for dental issues that may arise, your continued oral health is our top priority.

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Restorative Care

We offer state-of-the-art restorative care. We know that even when you do everything right, something can go wrong. If you are suffering from a dental problem, we are here to help. Modern technology, combined with the in-depth experience of our clinical team, can assure you of a successful and long-lasting result. Whether the cause is accident or disease, we can restore your smile.

Eat, Chew & Smile Naturally With Dental Implants

Dental implants are man-made replacements for natural teeth. The implants themselves are artificial tooth roots anchored in the gum or jawbone, on which replacement teeth are permanently secured. Because implanted teeth are fixed in the mouth—rather than being removable, like dentures—they allow a return to the comfort and function of natural teeth. Increased chewing ability means you can enjoy more nutritious foods, contributing to your overall health and well-being.

In short, dental implants improve the quality of your life. They can improve your appearance, boost your self-confidence and allow you to speak with greater clarity.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Having a great smile can make a huge difference in the way you look and feel. Summit Dentist offers a complete range of cosmetic treatments to create the confident smile you’ve always wanted. We begin with a detailed smile assessment, discussing with you which aspects you like and dislike about your smile. Once our assessment is complete, we will discuss with you treatment options to help your smile look more natural, youthful and healthy.

Mercury-Free Dentistry

Mercury Amalgam (silver) fillings may be hazardous to your health. At Summit Dentist, we believe that the overall health of our patients always comes first. Accordingly, at our office we have elected to only use new and advanced fillings made of tooth-colored materials that contain no metals or mercury. It’s just one more way that we show our patients how much we care. Your safety and smile are our primary concerns!

Invisalign® Clear Orthodontics

Invisalign is the revolutionary way to help you get straight, even teeth without noticeable, painful metal braces. Virtually undetectable, Invisalign aligners are made of strong, clear plastic that gradually guide your teeth into perfect alignment. Unlike metal braces, they have no wires or brackets. Tooth impressions are made, from which Invisalign develops customized aligners that will slide directly over your teeth. Aligners are typically worn full-time (except when eating or drinking) for 12-48 months—no longer than you would wear traditional metal braces. Aligners are replaced every two weeks as your teeth shift into place.

Other Services

Relax With Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry

Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is a great tool for patients who may be uneasy about their dental procedures. The beauty of laughing gas is that your dentist can constantly adjust your level of sedation during the procedure and once shut off, the effects stop almost immediately. A few minutes after the procedure is complete, you’ll be back to normal!

Summit Dentist is certified to administer nitrous oxide for nervous patients. Call today to schedule your appointment, or to see if you’re a candidate for nitrous oxide sedation!

VELscope® Cancer Screening

When it comes to oral cancer, early detection leads to more treatment options & better outcomes. VELscope is a revolutionary hand-held device that helps dentists & hygienists detect potentially cancerous tissue earlier & more easily than before. The VELscope system works by emitting a safe blue light that makes tissues in your mouth appear fluorescent, revealing abnormalities that might not be visible to the naked eye. In fact, VELscope is the only non-invasive device clinically proven to help discover otherwise undetectable signs of oral disease.

Family Dental Dentists is certified in VELscope technologies. Call today to schedule your oral cancer screening–it may change your life!


Juvéderm is made of natural materials that bind with the water within your skin to lift it & make it firm. It can be used for a variety of purposes, including enhancing your lips to make them appear fuller & less lined around the edges, helping to erase facial lines & to generally improve your facial contours.

Summit Dentist is certified to administer Juvéderm. Call Summit Dentist today at 908-698-4229 to schedule your consultation.


Now renowned for its instant, wrinkle-removing effects, BOTOX is best for treating facial lines that have been caused by muscle movement. Examples of these include frown lines between the eyebrows and crow’s feet around the eyes. BOTOX is injected into the area being treated and causes the muscles to relax, which means existing lines soften considerably and potential or future lines can be prevented.

Summit Dentist is certified to administer BOTOX. Call Summit Dentist today at 908-698-4229 to schedule your consultation.

Download our BOTOX consent form here.